I witnessed a few interesting previews when I saw Tropic Thunder, Ben Stiller’s spoof on Hollywood war movies. One looks promising, another a cry for help in a dying franchise, and a third should never have been created. I want to briefly comment on each before I get into my review of Tropic Thunder.
First, let’s start with Tugg Speedman’s Scorcher IV: Global Meltdown. I’ve been a fan of the Scorcher movies since I was a kid, and Speedman delivers on each one (a little less effectively each time). How many cheesy catch phrases can one actor produce before he becomes irrelevant? Apparently, Tugg has reached his quota…and his “serious” turn in the mental disability bomb SIMPLE JACK did nothing to help his career. This reviewer will probably wait until this hits video. Sorry, Tugg, but one of us has to let go of the past.
The second movie is a Jeff Portnoy fart comedy…the sequel to the undeserved hit THE FATTIES (2006)…THE FATTIES: FART 2. I can’t express how horrible this movie looks. It’s an insult to witty fart-knockers in history like Lord Flatulette (who could perform Beethoven’s 5th Symphony without a soiled undie), and Seymore Farts (the famous 1970s fart impression comic). I pass judgment on the movie on the mere trailer. So long Mr. Portnoy…and good riddance.
Lastly, I saw a great preview of the new Kirk Lazarus/Tobey McGuire religious love drama called SATAN’S ALLEY. If you haven’t seen this preview, go out and watch it. The trailer alone will bring you to tears.
Now on to the review.
TROPIC THUNDER stars Tugg Speedman (Stiller), Jeff Portnoy (Jack Black), Alpa Chino (Brandon T. Jackson), and the exceptional Kirk Lazarus (Robert Downey Jr). For those who haven’t heard, Lazarus underwent skin pigmentation surgery to play the movie’s African-American general. And the transformation from the blond haired blue-eyed bombshell is astounding and a testament to method acting. He alone is what makes this movie worthwhile.
No war movie is safe as they poke fun at anything and everything Hollywood. From the over-budget gore fests of some movies to the angry life of a producer (Tom Cruise in one of his funniest roles ever!), Tropic Thunder spares no prisoners.
This movie may take a few tours of duty to fully appreciate like any Ben Stiller movie (i.e. ZOOLANDER). The jokes come fast, subtle, and timeless enough to last the long run.
Those who’ve written articles about this movie being offensive to the mentally disabled are…well, mentally disabled. One of Tugg Speedman’s characters (SIMPLE JACK) is an over-the-top caricature of Hollywood’s portrayal of the mentally disabled (or as the movie says “retarded”). If there’s any people who should be offended, it’s Hollywood for subjecting us to actors reaching beyond their grasps to reinvent their careers (see Jim Carrey in any serious role).
TROPIC THUNDER elevates the bar on smart spoof movies. Having said that, without Robert Downey Jr or Tom Cruise nailing their respective characters to the point of ridiculous believability, this movie wouldn’t have been a blip on the radar. Also, keep the kiddies away. It’s a funny movie but gory in that Spielberg war-action movie kind of way.
8.2 cans of Booty Sweat Energy Drink out of 10
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