Too often comedy sequels pale in the glow of originality of the first. There are few exceptions to this rule such as NAKED GUN 2 1/2, AUSTIN POWERS: THE SPY WHO SHAGGED ME, and SHREK 2.
HAROLD AND KUMAR ESCAPES FROM GUANTANAMO BAY follows the same path as WAYNE'S WORLD 2. Same set of standby jokes told slightly different with a little more edge but essentially nothing new. This is the danger of writing a poor script with one dimensional characters. In Sequel Writing 101, the most important lesson is to write something the viewer hasn't known before about the characters. This never happens.
Where the original (HAROLD AND KUMAR GOES TO WHITE CASTLE) was a pure buddy movie cut from the same mold as the Cheech and Chong flicks or Dave Chappelle's HALF BAKED, HAROLD AND KUMAR 2 trades in it's simplicity of two guys getting the munchies for political agendas. Do I want to watch Harold and Kumar teach me about the injustices of the terrorist concentration camps or about the misjudging of races if you make general racial statements? No! That's what Michael Moore is for. I want Harold and Kumar to chase after that elusive bag of the best sticky-icky that'll give them the best high while surviving increasingly drug-induced silliness. I don't think this movie has killed the franchise...there'll probably be one last sequel. But I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't.
Still, Harold (John Cho) and Kumar (Kal Penn) emerse themselves into their characters and their play of each other makes for an entertaining movie. The sad part is that the boys were given a boring plot to make it work. And Neil Patrick Harris continues his bid of being the William Shatner of the future generation of actors as the one who re-invents himself past expiry date to make fun of himself. A bold move that has extended Shatner's career that very well could work for Harris.
For the most part, save your bucks and wait for HAROLD AND KUMAR ESCAPE FROM GUANTANAMO BAY to hit DVD or for it to show up on Spike or TNT where they'll replay it every two hours for a few weeks straight.
6 Doogie's riding a Unicorn out of 10
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