Bill Maher, the hard-hitting political comedian from such great shows as Politically Incorrect and Real Time, attempts to open minds to the inaccuracies of the greatest political figure that has ever "theoretically" walked God's Green Earth. I speak, of course, of Jesus.
Maher uses RELIGULOUS as a glorified multi-screened soap box rehashing ideas he's spouted all his life on his TV shows. Except this time he's got a Hollywood budget, a few hard core religious fanatics that can't see their own ridiculous extravagances, a fake Jesus (who compares the Holy Trinity to the three states of water...a clever analogy until you realize it doesn't hold...er, water), a hilarious Vatican priest who's openness is refreshing, and fear, fear, fear.
Maher uses the argument and skews it to his own political agenda to dismiss the American war in the Middle East as an insane battle between two religions. He truly believes (or at least portrays in this movie) that religion will ultimately be the downfall of humanity because it is based on archaic ideals and non-sensical myths. This, for the most part, is true. However, religion does help a lot of people who need the support and closeness of an organized group. For this reason, I think Maher misses the point of religion.
Or does he?
He takes on the people who believe the Bible to be the Truth that, in his own words, has people who "beleive that there was a talking snake in the Garden of Eden and that people lived 900 years". He doesn't talk to the people who think of the Bible more as a sensible collection of fables and morals to live your life by. And that is because it's a funnier movie to show how ridiculous to make fun of the crazy people.
And this movie IS funny...above all, Maher is hilarious with his one-liners. Interdispersed with clever movie clips throughout, the movie sometimes felt like something a University film major could've put together.
RELIGULOUS is a silly look at the silly world of rediculous religion (and no religion is spared to his candid eye). It is worth a look for anyone who wants to learn some truth underneath the Pope's hat and laugh.
7 free admissions to Holyland in Orlando out of 10
Post Script: If you enjoyed the more serious aspects about this movie, check out a movie called ZEITGEIST. It is dryer than Maher's take but is incredibly interesting and goes much much deeper in a frightening way. The first 9 minutes is skipable before it starts getting into the meat of it. If you're interested, follow this link to see the whole movie that only appears online.
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